Ukrainos savivaldybių administracinių ir institucinių galių stiprinimas pastatų energinio efektyvumo didinimo srityje

In May 2017 Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the scope of the program "Lithuanian Development Cooperation" approved the project: Strengthening of Ukrainian Administrative and Institutional Power in Building Energy Efficiency Sector.
Now the project is in final stage.
The five energy audits of selected public buildings were prepared in cities of Nizhyn, Priluki (Chernihiv region), Mirgorod (Poltava region), Schostka (Sumy region) and Fastiv (Kyiv region). As objects the three kindergarten were chosen, a secondary school and hospital building.

All the buildings are big, have complicated shape and high energy consumption at present. The three sets of energy saving measures (short terms, optimal variant and long terms) were prepared for the buildings. As result, calculated energy savings could be estimated by 40 -75 % . The initial materials and information was prepared by Ukrainian partner from Nizhyn P.O. „Perspective“. The results of project – energy audit reports and certificates of energy consumption of buildings were presented at municipalities on October 23 -26, 2017 (see photo).

The audits received a great attention and feedback from them was provided on the websites of municipalities and in the local media (printed articles, video materials).

According to the Ukrainian legislation, from the year 2018, audits will be required in the preparation of applications for major repairs of buildings. For this reason such practical examples are very useful.