Results of Euki Mem Project Implementation
The EUKI MEM project, in which, among other four partners, the Kaunas Regional Agency (KREA) participated, ended on the 1-st of March, 2020. The main goal of the project is to improve the management of municipal buildings at low costs and reduce energy consumption in them by at least 5%. KREA has selected 15 buildings owned by Jurbarkas municipality for project implementation.
During the project, the partners had to:
- Evaluate the current condition of energy management in selected municipal buildings and provide recommendations for its improvement;
- Evaluate municipal energy management and also provide recommendations for its improvement;
- To increase the knowledge of municipal employees, heads of institutions and caretakers about the features of the buildings they owe and the potential for energy savings in them;
- Encourage energy savings.
During the project, the energy consumption data of these selected buildings for the period of 2015-2018 were analyzed, and measures for reduction of energy consumption were proposed. The change in energy consumption in the period 2018 - 2019 11 showed the effectiveness of the applied measures.
At the end of the project, the achieved energy saving results and the best examples were presented in a publication, the English version of which is also available on the KREA website.
Total Project energy savings:
Baseline | 16400 |
During project | 15060 |
Achieved savings total | 1340 |
Achieved savings, % | 8,18 |
Energy savings in Jurbarkas municipality buidings:
Baseline | 4030 |
During project | 4010 |
Achieved savings total | 20 |
Achieved savings, % | 0,39 |
Comparing the total achievements with those achieved in Jurbarkas municipality, relatively small thermal energy savings were obtained, because the heating systems of most buildings are old, without control devices. Electricity consumption decreased significantly as part of the lighting lamps were replaced with modern LED type and movement sensors were installed according to KREA proposals.
Among the good practice examples discussed in the project publication the energy consumption in the Nykštukas kindergarten and the Jurbarkas social services center are analyzed. Information on introducing students to energy consumption measurements and devices is also provided as an example to follow.
During period from November of 2018 to November of 2019, energy consumption for heating and hot water in Nykštukas kindergarten decreased by 13.8 MWh (5.49%), electricity by 2000 kWh (4.6%), but cold water consumption increased by 7% due to increased number of children in comparison to baseline data.

Electricity consumption in the building of the Jurbarkas Social Services Center decreased significantly, from an average annual 43,900 kWh in 2016-2018 to 36,400 kWh in 2018 11 - 2019 11 (17.2%) when lighting lamps were replaced with LEDs.

Introduction to energy consumption measurements and devices, as well as presentations on energy saving methods and the consequences of climate change took place in 3 schools of Jurbarkas: A.Giedris Gymnasium, Vytautas Magnus and Naujamiestis progymnasiums.